For Melbourne Design Week 2024, MATTERS will again claim Villa Alba Museum as it’s home and heartbeat. Opening its doors to Melbourne’s premier clash of contemporary design within classical walls, MATTERS will play host to some of Australia’s most notable
and emerging designers, makers, and artists.



Edward Linacre (Industrial Designer, Lighting artist, Material Developer) collabrates with Maxwell Carr (indsutri Designer / Recycled Plastics Developer) and Indigo Tolhurst ( Jewellery Designer and Maker : Some Other World Studio ). Their mission, to redefine the aesthetic of materials considered waste.

(DESIRE) Can plastics and forever chemicals be forged into recycled materials of desirability and valueFor SOME THINGS, Edward presents his continuing investigations into methods of recontextualizing waste, including several collaborative projects. PolyOnyx is a collaboration with Designer and Plastics Researcher Maxwell Carr which looks to develop a range of plastic materials and compositions that recall the beauty of rare stones, asking the question, do we need to dig up the Earth when we can simply raid our trash?
    Cast combination metals and experimental patinas, with Some Other World Studio and Indigo TolhurstAgain, to create desire for recycled metals through design and experimental surface treatment techniques, to push the boundaries of cast metal aesthetics, to enhance the perceived value of reclaimed waste.

For Melbourne Design Week 2024, MATTERS will again claim Villa Alba Museum as it’s home and heartbeat. Opening its doors to Melbourne’s premier clash of contemporary design within classical walls, MATTERS will play host to some of Australia’s most notable
and emerging designers, makers, and artists.

MATTERS is a collaborative platform and exhibition host that advocates for time and intention in the design process. Prompted by the question 'what matters to you?', MATTERS serves as an outlet for contemporary concerns, with a steadfast focus on three core thematic pillars: process, community, and longevity. Following the success of (NO THINGS) in 2023 - the inaugural instalment in a three-part group exhibition initiated by Marlo Lyda and Jordan Fleming -  MATTERS will once again claim Villa Alba Museum as its home and heartbeat in 2024. This Melbourne Design Week, MATTERS will uniquely commandeer the entire venue for a premier convergence of contemporary design within classical walls.For Melbourne Design Week 2024, MATTERS will again claim Villa Alba Museum as it’s home and heartbeat. Opening its doors to Melbourne's premier clash of contemporary design within classical walls, MATTERS will play host to some of Australia’s most notable and emerging designers, makers, and artists. Witness the museum's ornate chambers and distinctive living spaces transform into a prolific fusion of materials, concepts, and characters.